Gegova R.Iordanova R.Bachvarova-Nedelcheva A.Dimitriev Y.2024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162015-01-011314-79781314-7471SCOPUS_ID:84937948705 report in this study the preparation of gels of a nominal composition 50TiO2-25TeO2-25MnOm (M = Zn, B) and our attempt to verify the oxide components behaviour using Ti butoxide, Te (VI) acid, Zn acetate and boric acid as precursors. The phase and structural transformations of the prepared gels upon heat treatment in the temperature range of 200 °C - 700°C are thoroughly studied. The powdered samples still contain organics at 200°C as verified by XRD. Composites containing an amorphous phase along with different crystalline phases (elementary Te, α-TeO2, TiO2 (anatase), ZnTeO3 and TiTe3O8) are formed with temperature increase (above 300°C). The IR results obtained show that the amorphous phases (300 °C - 400°C) of the composite materials consist of TiO6, TeO4, ZnO4, BO3 and BO4 units in different ratio depending on the composition. The UV-Vis spectra of the gels prepared exhibit a red shift of the cut-off compared to pure Ti butoxide gel behavior.enSynthesis, structure and optical properties of TiO2/TeO2/MnOm (M = Zn, B) gels: A comparisonArticle