Chernev G.Borisova B.Kabaivanova L.Salvado I.2024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102010-08-011895-10661644-362410.2478/s11532-010-0065-4SCOPUS_ID:77953878154 work reports the sol-gel synthesis of silica hybrids. We determined the effect of the type and quantity of silica precursors and organic compounds on the resulting structure, surface area, nanostructure design and size, and potential applications. The structure of the synthesized hybrids was analyzed using FT-IR, XRD, BET-Analysis, SEM, and AFM. We demonstrate the immovilization of whole living thermophilic bacterial cells with cyanocompound degradation activity in the synthesized silica hybrid biomaterials by entrapment, chemical binding, and adsorption. © 2010 Versita Warsaw and Springer-Verlag Wien.enSilica hybrid biomaterials containing gelatin synthesized by sol-gel methodArticle