Chilev C.P.Simeonov E.B.2024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162023-01-011314-79781314-7471SCOPUS_ID:85144990005 model and calculation technique that supports the design of acrylic acid (AA) production process using ChemCAD simulation software has been described. In order to produce AA a two-step process of vapor phase partial oxidation of propylene was selected. This optimization involved more investigation of recover acrylic from the gaseous reactor effluent rather than native reaction kinetic characteristics. A new simple procedure for further separation process of reactor products has been developed. The hot gaseous effluent reactor is cooled to 263 K in a condenser whereby its separates light non-condensable gases such as nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, etc. The resulting condensate is fed to a further separation process in two series-connected distillation columns. As a result, a liquid bottom stream of the final column containing AA with 99.9 mol% purity is obtained. The top stream of the same column is returned for recycling to the reactor section. Several sensitivity studies were carried out: influence of the condenser operating temperature (1) and pressure (2) in the obtained amounts of AA and acrolein; influence of the number of stages (3, 4), reflux ratio (5, 6) and number of feed stages (7, 8) for both distillation columns on the amount of AA produced therein. As a results an optimization of the condenser and distillation columns were carried out. A complete computer simulation at all parts of the flow sheet for the production of AA through partial oxidation of propylene has been made.enCOMPUTER SIMULATION AND ANALYSES OF GLACIAL-GRADE ACRYLIC ACID PRODUCTION VIA THE CATALYTIC OXIDATION OF PROPYLENEArticle