Nedkova M.Shishkov P.Serafimova E.Dishovsky N.2024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162014-01-011314-79781314-7471SCOPUS_ID:84904036252 investigation of double based propellants and pyroxiline, produced before the year 2000 was carried out. The process of ageing during long time storage of single and double-based propellants and pyroxilin in non heated military stores and in heated building at room temperature was studied by elemental analysis (EA). The velocities of burning were measured by DSC and the decomposition energy of the propellants was calculated. Obtaining of a shift of the bands, con-nected by hydrogen bonds formation between the obtained-OH groups at the place of-ONO2 groups after ageing was confirmed by FTIR spectroscopy.enInvestigation of long time stored propellantsArticle