Elödi P.Móra S.Krysteva M.2024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102024-07-101972-01-011432-10330014-295610.1111/j.1432-1033.1972.tb19720.xSCOPUS_ID:0015518062https://rlib.uctm.edu/handle/123456789/45The effect of maltose was studied in porcine pancreatic amylase. At neutral pH 1% (29 mM) maltose produced with amylase a difference spectrum characteristic of the perturbation of tryptophan. The molar absorption difference at the maximum wavelength was Δ290= 1200. The difference spectrum appeared to be specific for maltose. Perturbation difference spectra measurements in 20% polyethylene glycol indicated that one tryptophyl side chain per mol amylase was involved in the interaction with maltose. The dissociation constant of the amylase · maltose complex calculated from the concentration dependence of the absorption difference at 290 nm was Ks= 13 mM. Maltose inhibited amylase activity competitively and an inhibition constant of Ki= 25 mM was obtained, a similar value to that found spectrophotometrically. It is assumed that the tryptophyl side chain interacting with maltose may be involved in the binding of substrate by pancreatic amylase. Copyright © 1972, Wiley Blackwell. All rights reservedenInvestigation of the Active Center of Porcine‐Pancreatic AmylaseArticle