Mehandjiev D.Nickolov R.2024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102024-07-101992-01-010263-617410.1177/026361749200900105SCOPUS_ID:0026987464 dependence of the C constant in the BET equation on the amount of pre-adsorbed water has been investigated by low temperature nitrogen adsorption on activated carbon containing different amounts of water pre-adsorbed at the same relative water vapour pressure. It is suggested that the rapid decrease in the surface area as determined by the BET method in comparison with the C value in cases of low degrees of sorption volume filling is associated with blocking of part of carbon texture and the parallel formation of extremely narrow micropores.enDependence of the C constant in the brunauer-emmett-teller equation on water pre-adsorbed on activated carbonArticle