Stanev R.Choshnova D.Velibashev S.2024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162020-01-011314-79781314-7471SCOPUS_ID:85098535861 availability of some contradictory recommendations and facts in diferent literature sources has given a reason as a purpose of the present work to be chosen the fulfllment of a quantitative analysis of the influence of the radiative component in the total low-temperature energy fux. This aim is realized, as three typical for the practice cases are examined. They are connected to the heat transfer through a window of a residential room, from a tube with warm water to the environment and in a steel recuperator for air preheating by the internal energy of the outgoing fue gas from an industrial furnace. The results from the quantitative analysis of the influence of the radiative constituent in the total low-temperature heat transfer are commend and on the basis of them are formulated concrete ascertainments, to what kind of errors would lead the neglecting of the discussed mechanismenINFLUENCE OF LOW-TEMPERATURE THERMAL RADIATION AT THE HEAT TRANSFER TO AN AIR AMBIENTArticle