Mitova V.Bogomiloval A.Shestakova P.Momekov G.Momekova D.Abbas R.Koseva N.2024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162013-05-211314-74711314-7978SCOPUS_ID:84877815390 present study is focused on the synthesis of a dinuclear platinum(II) complex containing two polyamino ligands - spermidine and diaminohexane and its prodrug forms. The latter were prepared via reaction with phosphonates- the low molecular dimethyl hydrogen phosphonate and poly(oxyethylene hydrogen phosphonate).The newly obtained compounds were isolated and characterized applying 1H, 31P and 195Pt NMR spectroscopy. The cytotoxic activities of the low molecular complexes were determined in vitro by MTT method against a panel of human tumor cell lines. The synthesized complex, a derivative of BBR3571, causes 50 % inhibition of cellular viability in tumor cells at micromolar concentrations and effectively by-pass the resistance mechanisms in a cisplatin-refractory cell line.enSynthesis of a new polynuclear platinum (II) complex and its prodrug forms. evaluation of their cytotoxic propertiesArticle