Mishonov T.M.Dimitrova I.M.Varonov A.M.2024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102019-09-150378-437110.1016/j.physa.2019.121577SCOPUS_ID:85066926804https://rlib.uctm.edu/handle/123456789/532We rederive the Nyquist theorem and Callen–Welton fluctuation dissipation theorem as a consequence of detailed balance principle applied to a harmonic oscillator. The usage of electrical notions in the beginning makes the consideration understandable for every physicists. Perhaps it is the simplest derivation of these well-known theorems in statistical physics. The classical limit is understandable as a consequence of Waterston–Herapath equipartition theorem.enCallen–Welton fluctuation dissipation theorem and Nyquist theorem as a consequence of detailed balance principle applied to an oscillatorArticle