Todorova N.Mihaylov M.Damyankin I.Dishovsky N.2024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162014-01-011314-79781314-7471SCOPUS_ID:84901687700 aim of this study is to investigate the zinc resinate's influence on the rheological, vulcanization, mechanical and dynamic properties of the composites based on silica filled natural rubber, containing bi-functional organosilanes in the presence or absence of zinc oxide. The results obtained demonstrate that the presence of zinc resinate leads to considerable decrease of Mooney viscosity of the rubber compounds investigated. The mixture of zinc oxide and zinc resinate has a strong anti-reversion effect. The reversion absence found in the cure curves results in retaining the mechanical properties of the vulcanizate obtained regardless of the curing duration.enZinc resinate's influence on the properties of silica filled composites based on natural rubberArticle