Zahariev A.Girginov A.2024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102003-01-010250-470710.1007/BF02707458SCOPUS_ID:0037516864 kinetics of growth of complex anodic alumina films was investigated. These films were formed by filling porous oxide films (matrices) having deep pores. The porous films (matrices) were obtained voltastatically in (COOH)2 aqueous solution under various voltages. The filling was done by re-anodization in an electrolyte solution not dissolving the film. Data about the kinetics of re-anodization depending on the porosity of the matrices were obtained. On the other hand, the slopes of the kinetic curves during re-anodization were calculated by two equations expressing the dependence of these slopes on the ionic current density. A discrepancy was ascertained between the values of the calculated slopes and those experimentally found. For this discrepancy a possible explanation is proposed, related to the temperature increase in the film, because of that the real current density significantly increases during re-anodization.enFormation of complex anodic films on porous alumina matricesArticle