Stanev R.2024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162014-01-011314-79781314-7471SCOPUS_ID:84904053761 importance of the modern heat utilization equipment for the fulfillment of the activities related to the energy efficiency and sustainability of the individual divisions and shops, and thence - of the whole firm, is well known. Reduction of the relativefuel consumption in technological aggregates, productivity growth and the improvement ofthe output quality is based upon their energy updating. The solution of the enumerated tasks is related to the heat utilization of the outgoing flue gas from the furnace. In the present work the basic technical and technological problems for the introduction and exploitation of the recuperators in metallurgy, one of the industries with the highest energy consumption, is discussed. The implemented analysis of the factors influencing the interrepairing period of these units is also applicable in other industries like silicate and chemical ones, mechanical engineering, etc. The problems of the joint operation of the furnace and the metal utilizing equipment mounted to it, are reviewed. The most important causes for the occurring unfavorable phenomena are discussed, and results of our own and of the other's experience in the design and the service of these heat exchangers are presented. The basic constructive and exploitation measures leading to overcoming the disturbances in the functioning of the recuperators are pointed out, with an emphasis on the practical aspect of the raised problems.enExtension of the interrepairing period of metal recuperative heat exchangersArticle