Manoilova L.Nickolov R.2024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162019-01-011314-79781314-7471SCOPUS_ID:85074020058 new type of active materials (gas mask carbons) is obtained with an active phase differing from that of ASC Whetlerite carbons (Cu-Ag-Cr). It is intended for air purification from vapors of potential terroristic poisonous substances. The new type of the carbon catalysts are based on Cu and Zn in presence and absence of Mo and a minimal amount of Cr6+. The impact of the modifier K2CO3 (2 mass % - 8 mass %) on the synthesized specimens texture parameters is studied.enStudy on the impact of the modifier K2CO3 on the texture parameters of Newly synthesized gas mask carbonsArticle