Aljihmani L.Petrov T.2024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102024-01-011314-79781314-747110.59957/jctm.v59.i2.2024.8SCOPUS_ID:85186631904 chalcogenide samples from the As2Se3-GeSe2-ZnTe system are synthesized by melt quenching technique in evacuated to a residual pressure of 1.10-3 Pa quartz ampoules. The specimens from the investigated system are prepared by direct mono-temperature synthesis with conditions conformed to the physico-chemical features of the initial compounds. The state of the bulk samples (glassy, crystalline, glassy + crystalline) is proven by visual, X-ray diffraction, and microscopic analyses. The glass-forming region within the system is outlined using the results of the performed syntheses and analyses. It lies on the As2Se3-GeSe2 side and partially on the As2Se3-ZnTe (from 0 to 5 mol % ZnTe) and GeSe2-ZnTe (from 0 to 15 mol % ZnTe) sides. The maximum solubility of ZnTe in the glasses is 20 mol %. A presence of a crystallizing phase As2ZnGe is registered in the XRD-investigated samples.enGLASS-FORMATION IN THE As2Se3-GeSe2-ZnTe SYSTEMArticle