Zahariev I.Piskin M.Karaduman E.Ivanova D.Markova I.Fachikov L.2024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162017-01-011314-79781314-7471SCOPUS_ID:85025137030 Co-Ni nanoparticles examined are synthesized through a borohydride reduction with NaBH4 in aqueous solutions of chloride salts containing a different ratio of Co and Ni (1:1, 4:1 and 1:4, correspondingly) and also in the course of a template synthesis with graphite as a support in presence of β-cyclodextrin. The morphology, the elemental and phase composition of the synthesized Co-Ni nanoparticles are studied by SEM, EDS and XRD analyses. FTIR spectroscopy investigations carried out provide to elucidate the atom /molecule groups formed in the Co-Ni nanoparticles and their carbon-containing nanocomposites. The different shape and position of the bands of absorption at the relevant wavenumber [cm-1] identify the mode of vibrations (symmetric and asymmetric stretching and bending vibrations) of the created chemical bonds arising at the nanoparticle surface such as C-OH, CO-OH, C-H2, C=O, BO3, BO4, free OH, H-OH (H2O), CoO, NiO. The FTIR spectra reported illustrate also the effect of the different Co:Ni ratios studied and that of the support used. The data obtained show that FTIR spectroscopy is a sensitive method suitable for studying Co-Ni nanoparticles and their carbon-containing nanocomposites surface phenomena.enFtir spectroscopy method for investigation of Co-Ni nanoparticle nanosurface phenomenaArticle