Grabchev I.Staneva D.2024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102003-01-010932-078410.1515/zna-2003-9-1014SCOPUS_ID:0242408408 this paper we discuss the photophysical properties of some 4-nitro- and 4-allylamino-N-phenyl-1,8-naphthalimides having different substituents in the phenyl ring, and their copolymers with methylmethacrylate in solid films. The influence of the substituents at the phenyl ring and the environment (methanol or polymer matrix) on the absorption and fluorescence properties is also discussed.enPhotophysical Properties of new Polymerizable 1,8-Naphthalimides and their Copolymers with MethylmethacrylateArticle