Uesaka T.Ladygin V.P.Azhgirey L.S.Gurchin Y.V.Isupov A.Y.Itoh K.Janek M.Karachuk J.T.Kawabata T.Khrenov A.N.Kiselev A.S.Kizka V.Kliman J.Krasnov V.A.Livanov A.N.Maeda Y.Malakhov A.I.Matoucek V.Morhac M.Nedev S.Rangelov S.Reznikov S.G.Sakaguchi S.Sakai H.Sasamoto Y.Sekiguchi K.Suda K.Turzo I.Vasiliev T.A.Wakui T.2024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102006-01-011547-477110.1134/S1547477106050050SCOPUS_ID:33749500404https://rlib.uctm.edu/handle/123456789/116A new high-energy beam polarimeter is proposed for Nuclotron, which uses the Internal Target Station (ITS). This polarimeter based on a measurement of asymmetry for the d-p elastic scattering will allow one to measure simultaneously both vector and tensor components of deuteron beam polarization. For this purpose an analyzing powers measurement for the d-p elastic scattering at energies Td = 0.88-2 GeV is proposed. The precise measurements of the deuteron analyzing powers over the energy range Td = 300-2000 MeV can give an irreplaceable clue to the study of the spin dependence of three nucleon forces. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc. 2006.enProposal on the measurements of d-p elastic scattering analyzing powers at 0.3-2.0 GeV at the internal target station of the nuclotronArticle