Dzimbova T.Wesselinova D.Naydenova E.Milanov P.2024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162020-01-011314-79781314-7471SCOPUS_ID:85115020039 somatostatin receptors (SSTRs) are a very important class of receptors that attract the attention of a great number of scientists. The development of effective and selective ligands of each somatostatin receptor type is a time consuming process, which involves the knowledge and the skills of different researchers: chemists, biologists, medics, pharmacologists, etc. A large number of compounds is synthesized, characterized and biologically tested, but just some of them have the desired efficacy and selectivity to a respective somatostatin receptor type. The aims of the present study are: (1) to choose templates, among the recently published crystallographic structures, for homology modelling of all five types of SSTRs; (2) to evaluate the models by different computational tools (Procheck, MolProbity, docking). The structures of SSTRs are modelled using the Chimera software and their characteristics are evaluated on the ground of different methods. The best models are used for docking with recently synthesized and biologically tested somatostatin analogues selective to certain SSTR. The data, especially from docking, shows that the newly generated model of SSTRs could be further used for in silico experiments providing a faster and a better design of selective and effective ligands of SSTRsenCOMPUTER MODELLING OF ALL TYPES OF SOMATOSTATIN RECEPTORSArticle