Hristova-Vasileva T.Vassilev V.Aljihmani L.Boycheva S.2024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102008-01-010022-369710.1016/j.jpcs.2008.05.010SCOPUS_ID:62149103791 glasses from the As2Se3-As 2Te3-Sb2Te3 system were synthesized for the first time. The glass-forming region was determined by X-ray diffraction and electron microscopic analyses. The basic physicochemical parameters such as density (d), microhardness (HV) and temperatures of phase transformations (glass transition Tg, crystallization Tcr and melting Tm) were measured. Compactness and some thermomechanical characteristics such as volume (Vh) and formation energy (Eh) of micro-voids in the glassy network as well as the elasticity module (E) were calculated. The glassforming ability was evaluated according to Hruby's criteria (K G). The correlation between composition and properties of the (As2Se3)x(As2Te3) y(Sb2Te3)z glasses was established and comprehensively discussed. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd.enGlass formation in the As2Se3-As2Te 3-Sb2Te3 systemArticle