Xu Q.Hristov J.Cao L.Que X.2024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102011-12-010354-983610.2298/TSCI100621003XSCOPUS_ID:84858759495https://rlib.uctm.edu/handle/123456789/236Fire behaviour of a vinyl based lining material with and without anti-corrosion painting has been evaluated through 35 and 50 kW/m 2 cone calorimeter tests. The minimum heat flux requited for surface ignition was estimated. The data were compared by those provided by a revised Kokkala-Thomas's classification index prediction model, the Östman-Tsantaridis empirical linear regression mod- el, and the Hansen-Hovde multiple discriminant function analysis. All results col- lected allowed to predict the material flashover time and to classify the lining material. The results illustrate some differences in the classification of the ma- terial due to different approaches of the models used.enTime to flashover of a vinyl based lining material: Cone calorimeter experimentsArticle