Kozhukharov S.Nenova Z.Nenov T.Ivanov S.Machkova M.2024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162013-05-211314-74711314-7978SCOPUS_ID:84877826190https://rlib.uctm.edu/handle/123456789/1001The present research focuses on comparative measurements of the influence of complex additives on the sensitivity of humidity sensors, prepared by the sol-gel metrhod. Three different dopants were added to the primary mixture in order to improve the properties of the films, expressed in water uptake capability, as follows: Bismuth acetate (CH3COO)3Bi, Vanadium-2,4 pentadionate (C15H21O6V), and Sodium tert-butoxide (CH3)3CONa. The properties of the obtained sensors were evaluated by determination of their electrical resistances in a chamber with controlled humidity. As a result, it was experimentally established that the most significant positive effect over both the increase of sensitivity and the measurement range enlargement come from V(III)-2,4 pentadionate with Sodium tert-butoxide.enElucidation of the contribution of modified titania films over the performance of thin film humidity sensorsArticle