Tsonev T.Nenkova S.Herzog M.2024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162014-01-011314-79781314-7471SCOPUS_ID:84901679571https://rlib.uctm.edu/handle/123456789/1053Shape memory polyurethanes (SMPUs) based on recycled polyvinyl butyral and 4,4'-diphenylmethane diisocyanate, hexane-1,6-diol, and polypropylene glycol of varying hard segment content were investigated. Their mechanical properties and shape memory effect in particular were examined defining the amorphous soft segment domain as a reversible phase, while the crystalline hard segment domain as a frozen phase. Effects of hard segment content (30-45 %) and maximum strain on the cyclic tensile and mechanical properties below (25°C) and above (70°C) material glass transition temperatures were studied. The properties reversibility observed on repeated deformation was improved by decrease of the deformation magnitude and the increase of the hard segment content.enShape memory polyurethanes based on recycled polyvinyl butyral II. mechanical and shape memory propertiesArticle