Naizabekov A.Talmazan V.Arbuz A.Koinov T.Lezhnev S.2024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162015-01-011314-79781314-7471SCOPUS_ID:84925246033 key factor for practical realization of the combined process «helical rolling-pressing» is the axial force of the helical rolling, which should provide a continuous pressing in the matrix after the rolls. For the measurement of the maximum axial rolling force, which is actually the reserve of friction forces, a special strain gauge has been made. The work was carried out at a three-roll helical rolling mill ``10-30`` for the case of hot rolling of steel bars with diameters of 16-25 mm at a reduction of 6 % of diameter and a temperature of 1000°C. The results shown are of 24 tests.enStudy of axial forces with the purpose to realize a combined process «helical rolling-pressing»Article