Tomova F.2024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162022-01-011314-79781314-7471SCOPUS_ID:85131402395 converters are used for producing molten ‘blister’ copper. They consist of a steel drum lined with refractory bricks, a support device, a rotary mechanism for the converter, a device for supplying air with tuyeres and a device for removing the converter gases. The characteristics and features of Peirce-Smith converters are analyzed and a database containing measurement data and knowledge-based data is created. Methods and algorithms for pre-processing of raw data have been developed in order to improve the results obtained from techniques that implement predictive maintenance of technological facilities. Various methods for predicting the state of Peirce-Smith converters have been investigated and analyzed. A Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) algorithm was developed for objects in the Peirce-Smith class of converters, by which in addition to simulating the wall thickness, the duration of the campaign was also determined by probability characteristics.enAPPLICATION OF THE MONTE CARLO METHOD FOR FORECASTING THE DURATION OF PEIRCE-SMITH CONVERTER CAMPAIGNSArticle