Toteva V.Stratiev D.Shishkova I.Nikolaychuk E.Stanulov K.Yordanov D.2024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162020-01-011314-79781314-7471SCOPUS_ID:85096693926 H-Oil residual oils and eleven commercial additives inhibiting the asphaltene agglomeration were explored in this work by employing two tests: hot filtration test (HFT) and asphaltene dispersant test (ADT). It was found that the tendency to form sediments from the asphaltenes in the H-Oil residual oils was different for the distinct feed blends processed in the LNB H-Oil vacuum residue hydrocracker. The performance of the additives was found to be specific to the alloyed H-Oil residual oils. The additive based on the polyisobuthylene succinimide was found to be capable of reducing the sediment content in the H-Oil residual oils produced from all feedstock blends studied in this work. The efficiency of its performance however was different for the studied residual oils being the highest for the residual oil obtained from the feedstock blend 70 % Urals/30 % El Bouri (with the highest tendency to form sediment). This additive has also good efficiency against the H-Oil residual oil obtained from the feed 100 % Urals (with lower tendency to form sediment) but diluted with the high aromatic heavy cycle oil from fluid catalytic cracking.enEFFECT OF COMMERCIAL ADDITIVES TO REDUCE SEDIMENT FORMATION IN THE EBULLATED BED VACUUM RESIDUE H-OIL HYDROCRACKINGArticle