Nedkova-Shtipska M.Jaber S.Petrin S.Karadjova V.Danalev D.2024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162022-01-011314-79781314-7471SCOPUS_ID:85135056187 the rate, mechanism and dynamic of chemical reactions, including reactions between organic and inorganic substances, biotransformations involving enzymes, catalytic processes, etc., is key to setting the most appropriate technological parameters in various industries. The conversion of a substrate into a final product can go through various stages, some of which are speed-determining, while others require specific conditions - pressure, temperature, presence of catalyst and others. Therefore, clarifying the exact mechanism and dynamics of the transformation process is extremely important for achieving good yields and purity of the final products. It is also important to ensure the overall course of the transformation reaction, while minimizing the loss of time, as these factors directly affect the budget of the final product. The aim of the present study was to apply the features of IR spectroscopy to follow the dynamics of model acetylation reaction of transformations of p-aminophenol to paracetamol. Finally, we demonstrated the possibility IR spectroscopy in solution to be used as a technique for monitoring of specific transformation reaction in solution. The main reaction was successfully followed at time by preliminary selecting of the most suitable solvent, which is compatible with the requirements of the technique used and the monitored reaction as well as the right IR bands characteristic for the process of transformation.enSTUDY OF TRANSFORMATION OF p-AMINOPHENOL IN LIQUID PHASE WITH INFRARED SCPECTROSCOPYArticle