Stoykova M.Koumanova B.Mörl L.2024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162013-11-051314-74711314-7978SCOPUS_ID:84886736715 capacity of activated charcoals for the adsorption of Carbamazepine, an antiepileptic drug, from aqueous solutions was studied. The charcoals were activated with water steam at different temperatures prior to adsorption experiments. Langmuir and Freundlich models were used for the description of the adsorption equilibrium of Carbamazepine on different activated beech-charcoals. The uptake of the adsorbents was directly proportional to their specific surface area. The adsorbents, activated at higher temperatures (480-740°C; 360-630°C and 650-700°C) had a higher adsorption capacity for Carbamazepine (14,49 mg g-1; 13,97 mg g-1 and 11,81 mg g-1, respectively) than those activated at lower temperatures (220-655°C and 7,45 mg g-1; 185-450°C and 4,46 mg g-1, respectively). All adsorbents showed quick and full adsorption at the lower concentration range.enAdsorptive removal of carbamazepine from wastewaters by activated charcoalsArticle