Al-Sehemi A.Al-Ghamdi A.Dishovsky N.Atanasov N.Atanasova G.2024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102023-03-012072-666X10.3390/mi14030514SCOPUS_ID:85151634077 last few years have seen a rapid increase in body-worn devices because these devices cover a broad spectrum of potential uses. Moreover, body-worn devices still require improvements in their flexibility, size, and weight that necessitate the development of flexible and miniature antennas. In this paper, we present a new flexible miniature antenna for body-worn devices. To ensure flexibility and comfort when the antenna is in contact with the human body, a substrate from natural rubber filled with TiO2 is developed. The miniaturization is achieved using the quadratic Koch curve. The antenna design, optimization, and characterization are performed on a human body model. The performance of the antenna is analyzed in two scenarios: (1) in- to on-body, and (2) on- to off-body wireless communications. The results show that the antenna realized the maximum telemetry range of more than 80 mm for in-body communications and more than 2 m for off-body communications. Moreover, the highest 10 g specific absorption rate value was 0.62 W/kg. These results, in addition to the antenna’s compact dimensions (12 mm × 26 mm × 2.5 mm) and the low manufacturing price, make the proposed antenna an ideal candidate for health telemetry applications.enA Flexible Miniature Antenna for Body-Worn Devices: Design and Transmission PerformanceArticle