Yordanov B.Krastev D.Mitov I.2024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162022-01-011314-79781314-7471SCOPUS_ID:85140017921https://rlib.uctm.edu/handle/123456789/1399In the present work the variation of hardness and wear resistance of a machine specially designed to simulate the service conditions of abrasive wear were investigated depending on the type of the heat treatment of a hypoeutectic chromium white cast iron with composition C - 2.19 %, Mn - 0.46 %, Si - 0.51 %, Cr - 11.6 %, P - 0.031 %, S - 0.046 %, Ni - 0.23%, Mo - 0.077 %, V - 0.052 % and Al - 0.006 %. Maximum hardness of HRC 67 after quenching at 980ºC in oil and tempering at 200ºC is obtained which is a heat treatment suitable for workpieces operating under frictional and grinding conditions without high impact and dynamic loads. The wear rate after quenching at 980ºC in oil and subsequent low temperature tempering at 200ºC is V = 2.42.10-5 g m-1 and the abrasive wear resistance E = 41284. In cast condition the values of these indices are V = 1.33.10-5 g m-1 and E = 75157, respectively, and reduced to V = 0.30.10-4 g m-1 and E = 3331 after annealing at 870ºC and 180 min holding.enHEAT TREATMENT INFLUENCE ON THE ABRASIVE WEAR RESISTANCE OF HYPOEUTECTIC CROMIUM CAST IRONArticle