Stratiev D.Shishkova I.Tavlieva M.Kirilov K.Dinkov R.Yordanov D.Yankova L.Toteva V.Nikolova R.2024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162022-01-011314-79781314-7471SCOPUS_ID:85123893042 light crude oil from Kazahstan and hydrocracked atmospheric residue from a commercial ebullated bed vacuum residue hydrocracker were investigated to reduce their sediment formation rate by employing 13 commercial chemical additives. Ten of the studied additives were based on the organic acid derivatives. Asphaltene dispersion test was applied in this study to define the most appropriate chemical additive and the optimum treating rate. The additives demonstrated different performance with the distinct oils. All organic acid derivative additives were capable of suppressing the sedimentation in the hydrocracked atmospheric residue, while not all of them were effective in decreasing the sediment formation in the extra light petroleum. The phosphoric acid and poly-iso-butylene succinimide based additives were effective in suppressing the sedimentation in the hydrocracked atmospheric residue while they promoted the formation of sediments in the extra light petroleum. The additive based on 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene was ineffective in decreasing the sedimentation in the hydrocracked atmospheric residue and slightly effective in the suppression of sediment formation in the extra light petroleum.enINHIBITING SEDIMENT FORMATION IN AN EXTRA LIGHT CRUDE OIL AND IN A HYDROCRACKED ATMOSPHERIC RESIDUE BY COMMERCIAL CHEMICAL ADDITIVESArticle