Koleva M.Vassilev V.Vassilev G.2024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102008-01-011857-56251857-555210.20450/mjcce.2008.246SCOPUS_ID:49449103964https://rlib.uctm.edu/handle/123456789/147Polymer composite material based on ``unsaturated polyester resin/ high impact polystyrene`` polymer system as matrix and waste dust from power production as filler was studied. The waste was mechanically activated at dry conditions at room temperature for 30 minutes. Strength characteristics - impact, bending and compressive strength - dependance on the waste concentration was determined. The optimal results were achieved at waste concentration of 10 w.%. Morphology observations of filled systems were performed to clarify the influence of the structure on composite's properties.enPolymer composites containing waste dust from power production: II Strength characteristics of composites based on UPR/HIPS polymer systemArticle