Petrova I.Mihailov E.Boshnakov K.2024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162019-01-011314-79781314-7471SCOPUS_ID:85069777415 these paper are represented the results from the capability evaluation for establishing small size defects with crack shape in the area of the joints between the refractory bricks. For the investigation methods for complex approach are developed and embedded upon diagnostic and evaluation of the equipment condition, based on the use of the results from the thermographic measurements in combination with those from mathematical simulation of the transient heat transfer (describing the heat exchange processes and temperature fields depending on the insulation thickness, type of refractory materials and conditions of operation) and visual expertise. A multi-model approach has been suggested for evaluation of the defect criticality with the purpose of diagnostic of the condition and taking a decision on the maintenance and operation of the steel cast ladle. A Decision Support System for operation and maintenance of the steel casting ladles with the purpose of the safe utilization of their maximal resource is presented.enDecision support system for condition based maintance of steel casting ladlesArticle