Neikov A.Entchcva E.Krysteva M.Yotova L.2024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102024-07-101994-01-011310-281810.1080/13102818.1994.10818778SCOPUS_ID:0347199112 advantages of the “liquid” membranes for biosensors with enzyme, covalently bound to soluble dextran, are discussed in this article. A three layer steady state model is used to compare biosensors with homogeneous (liquid) and nonhomogeneous enzyme membranes with respect to their technical characteristics: sensitivity and response time. Theoretical analysis shows that the “liquid” membrane sensor is by 10 % more sensitive and by 20 %-120 % faster than the one with a nonhomogeneous enzyme membrane. The experiments were made with a new prototype of oxygen sensor, more suitable to fix an uniform enzyme (glucose oxydase + catalase) layer to the fronthead. The experimental results confirm the theoretical conclusions. © 1994 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.enAmperometric biosensor with “liquid” enzyme membraneArticle