Fan L.Li C.Boshnakov K.2024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102015-01-011876-973X10.2174/1876973x01508010115SCOPUS_ID:84949557950 exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) are promising clear and efficient new energy sources. An excellent control system is a normal working prerequisite for maintaining a fuel cell system in correct operating conditions. Conventional controllers could not satisfy the high performance to obtain the acceptable responses because of uncertainty, time-change, nonlinear, long-hysteresis and strong-coupling characteristics of PEMFCs. Based on the dynamic model of PEMFC, an adaptive fuzzy sliding mode controller is proposed for PEMFC to realize constant voltage output and reliability service. Three different controllers, including fuzzy controller, fuzzy sliding mode controller and adaptive fuzzy sliding mode controller, are designed and compared. Simulation results show that the proposed adaptive fuzzy sliding mode controller for PEMFC can get satisfactory control effects.enPerformance comparison of three different controllers for proton exchange membrane fuel cellArticle