Vasilev P.2024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102015-01-012405-896310.1016/j.ifacol.2015.12.089SCOPUS_ID:84983195563 Scheduling in Software Industry is a matter that caused many studies and various approaches for solving this problem in the past few decades. Neither of these approaches uses as a framework the industrial standard ANSI/ISA 95 in which the models for Capability, Scheduling and Execution are tightly connected with the needed Resources and their availability. In this research the matter of Final Capacity Scheduling using the standard ANSI/ISA 95 as a framework is discussed. Examples are given for using ISO 22400 Key Performance Indicators in the calculation of some important for the Scheduling process parameters.enANSI/ISA 95 final capacity scheduling for software industryConference Paper