Sitnik I.M.Perdrisat C.F.Tomasi-Gustafsson E.Ball J.Bimbot L.Bisson Y.Boivin M.Borzunov Y.T.Boyard J.L.Courtat P.Gacougnolle R.Garçon M.Golovanov L.B.Hennino T.Jones M.K.Kunne R.Malinina L.V.Nedev S.Piskunov N.M.Punjabi V.Sans J.L.Skowron R.Strokovsky E.A.Yonnet J.2024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102011-01-011742-65961742-658810.1088/1742-6596/295/1/012121SCOPUS_ID:79959261563 tensor polarization (ρ20) of deuterons emitted in the p( 3He,d)X reaction at 0° in the lab. system was measured at the Saturne National Laboratory in Saclay, using the SPES-4 spectrometer with the HYPOM polarimeter in the area of its focal plane. The momentum of the detected deuterons was kept fixed at 3.77 GeV/c, while the momentum of the 3He beam was varied from 4.60 to 5.66 GeV/c, thus providing a range of internal momenta k of the deuteron inside the 3He from 0 up to 0.4 GeV/c. The obtained data are compared with the theoretical predictions.enMeasurement of tensor polarization of deuterons from 3He → d + p breakup at internal momenta up to 0.4 GeV/cConference Paper