Zaharieva Z.Foteva T.Karadjova V.Danalev D.2024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162021-01-011314-79781314-7471SCOPUS_ID:85117906385 bioanalytical techniques including liquid and gas chromatography combined with different types of detectors are largely introduced in a practice. They are largely used for detection and control of substances and for monitoring of the whole production process. The type of detector depends on necessary levels of detection, but also on the matrix where aimed compounds have to be determined. Herein are summarized data from the last ten years related to determination of six main prohibited substances sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil, dapoxetine, yohimbine and sibutramine as well as their derivatives in food supplements using high performance liquid chromatography combined with mass spectrometric or UV detection. All these compounds are in a large interest because they are introduced often in products freely distributed in the internet market.enDETERMINATION OF SOME PROHIBITED SUBSTANCES IN FOOD SUPPLEMENTS USING HPLC WITH MS OR UV DETECTION - VIEW ON CURRENT DEVELOPMENTArticle