Atanasov V.Russev S.Lyutov L.Zagraniarsky Y.Dimitrova I.Avdeev G.Avramova I.Vulcheva E.Kirilov K.Tzonev A.Abrashev M.Tsutsumanova G.2024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102015-08-010254-058410.1016/j.matchemphys.2015.07.027SCOPUS_ID:84940399004 demonstrate a bottom-up synthesis of structures similar to graphene oxide via a two dimensional polymerization. Experimental evidence and discussion are conveyed as well as a general framework for this two dimensional polymerization. The proposed morphologies and lattice structures of these graphene oxides are derived from aldol condensation of alternating three nucleophilic and three electrophilic centers of benzenetriol.enTwo dimensional polymerization of graphene oxide: Bottom-up approachArticle