Tochev D.Karsheva M.Masson G.Mihaylova G.2024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162022-01-011314-79781314-7471SCOPUS_ID:85128866982 aim of this work is to study the importance of the inert environment during pressing of grapes of different varieties on the amount of resveratrol in rose must and wine. The values of resveratrol from grape must and wines made by inert pressing and those in the traditional way were compared. The highest values were obtained for rosé from grape variety of Mavrud: trans-resveratrol of 3.59 mg L-1 and cis-resveratrol of 3.47 mg L-1. It can be concluded that by pressing grapes in an inert environment, rosé wines with higher resveratrol values are obtained.enTHE INFLUENCE OF PRESSING CONDITIONS ON RESVERATROL VALUES IN ROSÉ GRAPE MUST AND WINEArticle