Mitev D.Peshev D.Peev G.Peeva L.2024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102016-11-151742-65961742-658810.1088/1742-6596/764/1/012007SCOPUS_ID:85002514334 paper aims at one of the important aspects of the application of products with antioxidant activity: namely the preservation and change of their properties during the storage in different conditions, as well as their reliable characterisation. The tests of antioxidant properties were conducted with membrane-separated coffee extracts, isolated using a ``Microdyn Nadir NP030P`` type of commercial nanofiltration membrane (30% retention of NaCl; MWCO∼400). Prepared coffee permeates and retentates were stored 0/10 days in cool/warm conditions, with/without air access and at different illumination conditions. The kinetics of content changes was evaluated according to Folin-Ciocalteu method of total phenolic/reducing content determination.enAntioxidant activity of membrane-fractionated coffee extracts in dependence of the storage conditionsConference Paper