Stratiev D.Shishkova I.Ivanov M.Petrov I.Atanassova V.Ribagin S.Atanassov K.Toteva V.Stratiev D.2024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162022-01-011314-79781314-7471SCOPUS_ID:85125262732 study presents for the first time an investigation of fluid catalytic cracking of 100 % H-vacuum gas oil at a commercial FCC unit. 100 % straight run hydrotreated vacuum gas oil (HTSRVGO) and 100 % H-vacuum gas oil have been cracked in the commercial LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas fluid catalytic cracking and in a laboratory confined ebbulated bed ACE catalytic cracking unit. The relations between the operating conditions of the commercial FCC unit and conversion level in both cases 100 % HTSRVGO and its blends with H-Oil VGO were investigated using intercriteria analysis. Multiple regressions were developed to quantify the effect of the operating conditions as well as quantity and quality of H-Oil VGO on conversion level in the commercial FCC unit. ACE laboratory tests with feed containing about 20 % H-Oil VGO at different catalyst-to-oil ratios and reaction temperature were performed and the results are discussed.enCOMMERCIAL AND LABORATORY EXPERIENCE WITH CATALYTIC CRACKING OF STRAIGHT RUN HYDROTREATED VACUUM GAS OIL AND H-OIL GAS OILSArticle