Ignatova K.Lilova D.Vladimirova L.Alakushev M.2024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162021-01-011314-79781314-7471SCOPUS_ID:85111755447https://rlib.uctm.edu/handle/123456789/1324Sn-Co powders with homogeneous distribution of components in powder particles were obtained by constant and pulse potential modes from a fluoride-chloride electrolyte. Morphology, elemental and phase compositions by SEM, EDX, SEM-Mapping andXDR analysis were investigated. Under stationary conditions, the potential increment leads to an increase in cobalt content from 3.6 wt.% to 56.4 wt.%, and to a structural alteration of the powders from network-shaped to a dendritic form with an average particle size between 15 and 30 µm, depending on the total metal concentration. The powders, obtained by pulse mode at a lower pulse frequency (100 Hz), contain particles with an irregular dendritic structure, characterized by the greatest thickness of the main axes of the dendrites. Increasing the pulse frequency to 1000 Hz results in a finer dispersed structure (r < 10 µm) and the cobalt content achieves 70.5 wt.% under these conditions. The obtained Sn-Co powders are mixed structures of amorphous phase and inclusions of microcrystalline phases of tetragonal β-Sn, hexagonal α-Co, CoO and SnO2 and only in stationary mode an additional phase of SnF2 exists.enELECTRODEPOSITION OF Sn-Co POWDERS BY STATIONARY AND PULSE MODEArticle