Grozeva N.Valchev I.Lazarov L.Hristov T.Kanakov D.Dimitrov K.Binev R.2024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102020-01-011313-35431311-147710.15547/bjvm.2140SCOPUS_ID:85077885898 are toxic metabolites of moulds from the genus Aspergillus (Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus being the main producers). The aim of the present investigation was to evaluate the toxic effects of aflatoxin B1 on bursa of Fabricius morphology. Also, the possibility for prevention of toxic effects of AFB1 by feed supplementation of a mycosorbent (Mycotox NB) was studied. Experiments were carried out with sixty 7-day-old female turkey broilers (meat TM strain) divided into one control and five treatment groups (n=10). Groups were as followed: Group I – control (fed standard feed according to the species and age of birds); Group II – experimental, whose feed was supplemented with 0.5 g/kg Mycotox NG, Group III– experimental, whose feed contained 0.2 mg/kg aflatoxin B1, Group IV – experimental, whose feed contained 0.4 mg/kg aflatoxin B1, Group V – experimental, supplemented with 0.2 mg/kg aflatoxin B1 and 0.5 g/kg Mycotox NG and Group VI – experimental, supplemented with 0.4 mg/kg aflatoxin B1 and 0.5 g/kg Mycotox NG. The duration of the experiments was 42 days. The changes in bursal morphology in control and treated groups were followed out after the end of the study. In birds from experimental groups ІІI and IV, atrophy and degenerative changes have occurred in the bursa of Fabricius: reduction of lymphoid cell-populations in lymphoid follicles along with dystrophy. Feed supplementation with the tested toxin binder (Groups V and VI) resulted in partial neutralisation of deleterious effects of AFB1 on severity of histological lesions: interfollicular oedema, considerably lower lymphoid follicle rarefaction.enCloacal bursa morphology in turkey broilers challenged with aflatoxin b1 alone or co-administered with mycotox ngArticle