Bachvarova-Nedelcheva A.Iordanova R.Georgieva N.Nemska V.Stoyanova A.2024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162022-01-011314-79781314-7471SCOPUS_ID:85129071280 ternary gel compositions containing simultaneously TiO2, TeO2 and ZnO were selected for detailed investigations. The phase transformations of the gels upon the heating were investigated by XRD analysis and it was established that the obtained composites contain an amorphous phase and different crystalline phases: TiO2 (anatase), TiO2 (rutile), a-TeO2 and ZnTeO3, depending on composition. The IR results showed that the short range order of the amorphous phases which are part of the composite materials consist of TiO6, ZnO4 and TeO4 structural units. By UV-Vis spectroscopy was measured the absorption edge of the gels which is about 363 nm and the calculated Eg values are about 3.41 eV. The performed photocatalytic tests showed that the samples possess photocatalytic activity toward Malachite green organic dye. Both compositions exhibited good antimicrobial activity against E. coli K12.enPHOTOCATALYTIC AND ANTIBACTERIAL ASSESSMENT OF SOL - GEL DERIVED TiO2/TeO2/ZnO POWDERSArticle