Uzunova I.Dobrev I.Danalev D.Raycheva R.Georgiev K.Petrova S.Nihtianova T.Belcheva A.2024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162023-01-011314-79781314-7471SCOPUS_ID:85152138461 of artificial initial enamel lesions is a key process in the dental practice. Unfortunately, traditional methods are often not accepted well by the patients, especially by the children. In this reason the search for new more acceptable approaches is a long-sought approach. The selection of an appropriate and accurate protocol to treat white spot lesions as well as reliably monitoring of the lesion dynamics is crucial to avoid the need for further operative treatment. Herein, we report synthesis of two fluorinated analogues of the peptide P11-4 and creation of a protocol to compare the effect of self-assembling peptide P11-4 (CURODONT Repair) on artificial enamel lesions on smooth surfaces after pH-cycling in a bioreactor system. The assessment of the effect is done using surface microhardness investigation. A well working protocol for studying of therapeutic effect of peptides on artificial initial enamel lesions was created. The obtained experimental data reveals that the treatment of artificial lesions with self-assembling peptide P11-4 using a newly created protocol and selected methodology resulted in improved surface microhardness in the experimental group.enSYNTHESIS OF FLUORENATED ANALOGUES OF SELF-ASSEMBLING PEPTIDE P11-4 AND STUDY ON P11-4 THERAPEUTIC EFFECT ON ARTIFICIAL INITIAL ENAMEL LESIONSArticle