Nukeshev S.Eskhozhin D.Karaivanov D.Eskhozhin K.Balabekova A.Zhaksylykova Z.Zolotukhin Y.2024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102017-01-011330-365110.17559/TV-20141008204710SCOPUS_ID:85019144761 paper reveals that the available facilities of granular fertilizer applying do not completely meet the technical requirements. In order to ensure stable and reliable dosing of fertilizers it is necessary to destroy the arch obtained above the hopper outlet and to provide forced feeding of the material (fertilizer) to the feeder (measuring device). The goal of the study is selection of optimum parameters of the fertilizer applying machine conic-helical loosener. The theoretical researches carried out allow to establish the relation between the motion (speed and displacement) of the material (fertilizer) elementary particles along the coils of the springs and the loosener design and technological parameters (the angle between the generant and axis-cones, the helix angle of spring coils, the cone base radius, the coefficients of external and internal friction, the angular speed). By varying each one of the parameters their optimum combination could be selected depending on the accepted loosener efficiency criterion.enTheoretical investigation of a conic-helical loosener for fertilizer applying machine Teorijsko ispitivanje konično-helikoidnog rasipača stroja za umjetno gnojivoArticle