Trainer K.Wearen K.Nazarova D.Naydenova I.Toal V.2024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102010-12-010094-243X1551-761610.1063/1.3521355SCOPUS_ID:78651071348 recording is an effective approach for photopolymer surface patterning. It has been previously utilised in acrylamide-based photopolymers and a spatial frequency limit of 200 l/mm has been observed. We report the successful inscription of submicrometer resolution patterns. The spatial frequency response has been extended to 1550 l/mm by introduction of thermal post recording treatment. Initial results from the optical patterning utilising a spatial light modulation (SLM) reveal that the amplitude of the photoinduced surface relief structures is larger in comparison to the amplitude obtained by holographic recording. © 2010 American of Physics.enOptical patterning of photopolymerisable materialsConference Paper