Abbas H.T.Aljihmani L.Abbasi Q.H.Qaraqe K.A.2024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102024-07-102019-09-0110.1109/ICEAA.2019.8879335SCOPUS_ID:85074942472 existing along a semiconductor heterostructure found in a high electron mobility transistor are studied. With the help of the electronic properties of group III-V semiconductor materials, a multilayer structure is described using an equivalent transmission line network. The existence of surface waves is investigated using the transverse resonance method, and it is established that the complex conductivity of the two-dimensional electron gas with a negative imaginary part yields surface plasmons in the terahertz frequency domain.enOn the existence of terahertz plasmons in two-dimensional semiconductor heterostructuresConference Paper