Ignatova K.Avdeev G.2024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162021-01-011314-79781314-7471SCOPUS_ID:85103490466https://rlib.uctm.edu/handle/123456789/1313In this work, we have synthesized finely dispersed Ni-Co powders through two current modes - constant and pulse potential modes in a chloride electrolyte with different pH values and at different pulse frequencies. The powder formation has been found to be difficult when increasing the pH of the solution from 1.4 to 6.8 and by raising the pulse frequency above 500 Hz. With increasing the pulse frequency “anomalous” cobalt deposition and decrease in particle size is observed. The Ni-Co powders, containing more than 45 - 50 wt. % Co, represent three-phase systems based on cubic, f.c.c. β-Ni and β-Co phases and hexagonal, h.c.p. α-Co-phase. Nickel and cobalt are evenly distributed in the structure of the powder particles. The results obtained prove that Ni-Co powders are to a very large extent alloy systems, not a mechanical mixture of individual elements.enEffect of Electrolyte PH And Pulse Potential Frequency on The Properties of Ni-co PowdersArticle