Ilieva G.P.Ivanova D.I.Fachikov L.B.2024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162024-07-162021-01-011314-79781314-7471SCOPUS_ID:85101562049 on the influence of different factors on the morphology, the composition, the color characteristics and the contact angle of wettability of aluminium surfaces related to electrochemically formed coating processes have been reported. The coatings have been formed by cathodic polarization of aluminum (99.5 %) suaces in solutions containing ammonium and sodium phosphates, MoO42- promoting ions, buffers, softeners, inorganic activators, as well as surfactants. The coating thicknesses have raised by increasing in temperature and cathodic current density upon other equal conditions. SEM and AFM analyzes have been used to reveal that the surfaces of the treated aluminum samples have been coated by homogenous dense films with different roughness.enCHARACTERIZATION OF CONTAINING MOLYBDENUM PHOSPHATE COATINGS ELECTROCHEMICALLY FORMED ON ALUMINUM SURFACESArticle